Sweet Catimon seedling (Medium)


A mango tree can grow quite large, reaching a height of 100 feet or more with a canopy of 35 feet or more. Mangos in cultivation are generally pruned and kept much smaller for a more manageable harvest. The large leaves are leathery, 5 to 16 inches in length, and remain on the tree for a year or more. Flowers are produced in terminal panicles or clusters 4 to 16 inches long. Each flower is small with white petals and a mild sweet aroma. The flowers are pollinated by insects and less than 1 percent of the flowers will mature to form a fruit. A mango fruit tree in full flower is a beautiful sight indeed.

It takes approximately four months for the mangos to mature on the tree before they’re ready for harvest. During that time, the fruit-laden branches of the mango tree may bow under the weight of the developing mangos. Each fruit is harvested by hand, providing jobs for local workers and a safe passage to the packinghouse for the mangos.

The growth of the tree causes a process called carbon sequestration or carbon uptake. The tree absorbs carbon dioxide from the environment, using it to form the trunk, branches, leaves and fruit of the mango tree. The tree produces oxygen and releases it into the environment during this process.

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1 Medium Sweet Catimon Mango seedling, Bini Punla.

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